Adding alternative text (alt text) in WordPress

Jun 7, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Since Search engines can not read image therefore alternative texts are used to tell search engines bots about what the pictures are really about. Since the only way for search engine bots to see and rank your images are through alternative / alt text therefore, it is an important thing in your Search engine optimization of your site.

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How to add picture, alternative text and hyperlink

This video shows how to add picture in your WordPress along with alternative text. It also shows how to add hyperlink and give image credits and align image.

What Is Alternative Text or Alt Text?

According to Wikipediaalternative text is text associated with an image that serves the same purpose and conveys the same essential information as the image. In situations where the image is not available to the reader, perhaps because they have turned off images in their web browser or are using a screen reader due to a visual impairment, the alternative text ensures that no information or functionality is lost. Absent or unhelpful alternative text can be a source of frustration for visually impaired users of the Web.

Add this in your alternative text

<img src="Image URL" alt="This is a text that goes with the image">

in short

<img src="" alt="">

What Is Hyperlink?

When we copy any thing and would like to give credits we mention source name and hyperlink it with the exact URL of the source. This increased the authenticity of our article, specially when we mention facts and figures.

Why Give Image Credits?

It is a good SEO practice to give image credits. Firstly you are giving a backlink to a high ranking site, which will not only give authenticity to your site but furthermore increases your ranking. Secondly its ethical to give credits to those who own that image.

Why Align Image?

Aligning image will give reader a better layout of your article. It also helps reader get involve in article rather than getting bore.

Also Read

How To Post Your Blog On WordPress

I hope this video is helpful, if you still have queries, comment box is always open and i will be glad to assist you further. 🙂


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