5 major differences between blogs and websites

Feb 23, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

People ask this question many times. Once when blogging started there was a big difference between the two things as blogs were simple one or two page based web content on which posts were regularly added but as blogs became more and more detailed and sophisticated the gap between blog and website became narrower and narrower until now it is difficult to discern whether a page is of a website or a blog. In order to clarify this confusion here we are giving you 5 major differences between blogs and websites.

Differences between blogs and websites

As we said before there is a very thin line between blog and a website. Let us first explain both of these concepts and then highlight the differences between blogs and websites.


differences between blogs and websites

The word Blog is the short form of weB LOG. Blog is a content repository. The content on a blog is stored in the reverse chronological order. The content is continuously added to the blog. There is always an interaction option available on blogs in the form of comments, to voice your opinion on the blog content. Blogs are usually written in simple and straightforward method. They can be casual or formal. They can be owned by a single person or have a group of owners/contributors. All blogs have RSS feeds and subscription option.

Examples of blog include the likes of TechcrunchMashableCnetShoutMeLoudLifeHackerGizmodo and our very own thenextrex.


sometimes it is difficult to decide whether a site is blog or website. after reading differences between blogs and websites from this article you will never be confused

Actually all the pages that we can be viewed on the internet are a part of a website. Which brings us to a very important relationship between the website and a blog.

“All the blogs are websites, HOWEVER not all websites are blogs.”

This is a very important statement and is the basis of our discussion on the topic 5 major differences between blogs and websites.

So website is usually HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript or a combination of other languages along with the content. Website is formal and follows a certain pattern. The content of the website remains mostly static. Even when new content is added, it is a new webpage or webpages but there is no continous updation as in the case of a blog. A blog can have an accompnying website and vice versa. A website usually is a representative of a company or enterprise. Many websites have a separate portion for its official blogs.

Now that we are some what clear about both the concepts, here are some of the  major differences between blogs and websites explained in detail so that there is no confusion left.

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The content

differences between blogs and websites

The blog has data continuously added while in website the content is static. People visit a blog to read and get new information every time they visit so they are expecting something new. However, people visit a website assuming to get the same thing that that did last time they visited. For example, I would like to visit tech crunch, every day to get new information and updates regarding technology.

differences between blogs and websites

On the other hand I would visit a pizza hut website every time to place an order using the same method as I did last time. If the Moz blog is not updated regularly, I would quit visiting it altogether. On the other hand if the pizza hut continuously change their website and I have to learn a new way to place an order I will get frustrated and stop ordering from it altogether.

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Presentation and outlook

differences between blogs and websites

Blogs are usually simple and straightforward in outlook because the main purpose is to give people information. There are usually 5 t 6 recent posts present on the homepage of the blog and links to many others given on side panels. The posts are always in reverse chronological order. So there will be always new posts on the landing page whenever you visit the blog. There us always a search option so you can search through the posts to find the one that you need. The posts are arranged in categories and tags.

However the main purpose of the websites is usually to attract people and customers so they can have flashy landing pages with lots of color and cool images so that people can visit again. Apart from that the most important or useful information is on the landing pages, or just links to other pages.

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Blogs encourage interaction with the author

sometimes it is difficult to decide whether a site is blog or website. after reading differences between blogs and websites from this article you will never be confused differences between blogs and websites

There is a commenting option on each blog post. People can interact with the blog writers and share their views on the posts and add their ideas and opinions. The owner of the blog or the writer of the post usually respond to them as it is considered a good blogging practice.

However on the websites usually there is no direct interaction. You can contact the owner thruhg contact us forms or there are sometimes options like leave a comment but there are no garantuees of immediate replies.

Blogs have subscription and RSS feeds

differences between blogs and websites

Blogs always offer RSS feeds and subscription option. This is because the blog is continuously being updated. So they want the users to know whenever there are updates so they can visit the blog again and get the latest information. This also helps in increasing the blog traffic. Websites do not usually have this option. You can book mark the website if you like to visit it again but as there are no regular updates so sites would not know when to notify you again to visit them.

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sometimes it is difficult to decide whether a site is blog or website. after reading differences between blogs and websites from this article you will never be confused differences between blogs and websites

Blog can be owned by a single person or a group of people can contribute to a blog. Usually entrepreneurs use blogs. While the websites are usually owned by commercial organizations or big brands.

sometimes it is difficult to decide whether a site is blog or website. after reading differences between blogs and websites from this article you will never be confused

There are websites that are associated with some famous person or a band, but that site is run and managed by a team of individuals ranging from web developers, coders, graphic designers, content managers etc. To create a good commercial websites the services of some or all of these are required but a blog can be easily launched on a platform like wordpress or blogger.

If a blog is made on a platform like Wrdpress or Drupal, then the ownership is also dependant upon the functioning of the platform on which the blog is dependant.

These are the major differences between blogs and websites. Now it might be clear to you what makes both of them different from each other.

However to take the concept even further, here are some similaarities between Blog and website that needs to mentioned too.

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Similarities between Blog and websites


  1. Both are available on the World Wide Web and can be accessed via the internet connection.
  2. Both need hosting services and a URL to address them.
  3. Both can be created related to a specific subject domain.
  4. Both blogs and websites have information in the form text, images, videos, graphics etc.
  5. Blogs and websites must have proper navigation uptions and should be interlinked. The blogs need more interlinkking because they are a repository of posts.

There are many other similarities too but these are the most basic. So you see with so many straight forward similarities it becomes difficult to understand the differences between the two sometimes, but now after reading this post, we hope it will not be a problem for you.

Do you still have any questions regarding differences between blogs and websites? Feel free to ask in the comments below.

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