Isn’t it strange that things which you know very well but you don’t know their names. Well you are going to be amazed. Here are the list of 45 things you did not know had names. Hope you enjoy reading them
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45 Things you did not know had names
Here is a list of 45 things you did not know had names. I hope you enjoy reading it 🙂
1. Aglet:
That plastic thing on the end of your shoe lace is known as Aglet
2. Agraffe:
The steel wired cage that holds the cork in a bottle of champagne
3. Air Concentrator:
It is the attachment on hair dryer that we attach to blow dry hair
4. Aphthongs:
These are the silent letters in English words, so they are written but not pronounced e.g knight
5. Barm:
The gaseous foam on a beer.
6. Body related words:
- Columella nasi: The space between your nostrils.
- Glabella: The space between your eyebrows.
- Philtrum: The bit between your nose and your mouth. The groove located just below the nose and above the middle of the lips.
- Purlicue: The space between the thumb and forefingers.
- Rasceta: The lines on the inside of your wrist.
7. Borborygmus :
The sound you hear when your stomach start rumbling. Its kind of embarrassing when you are in meeting
8. Box tent:
It is the table sometimes known as Barbie doll in the centre of a pizza box.
9. Brannock device:
The device which is used to measure your feet size at the shoe store.
10. Cairn:
A pile of stones is called a “cairn.”
11. Chanking:
Chanking is also a music and spat-out food.
12. Collywobbles:
The butterflies in your stomach.
13. Cornicione:
The outer thicker part of the crust on a pizza. Well some people don’t like it.
14. Crapulence:
That sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much.
15. Dysania:
The state of finding it hard to get out of the bed in the morning.
16. Earworm:
Oh! It’s not a worm in ear but it denotes to that catchy sound/music that keep on repeating in your mind when it is not even playing. It is also known as brainworm.
17. Fellowfeel:
It is sharing an emotional connection with someone. “Oh, she broke up friendship with you? We have a fellowfeel for you.”
18. Ferrule:
Ferrule has two meanings. It is the cap at the tip of the stick umbrella (that you can’t put in your purse) is a ferrule. Secondly, it also refers to the metal attachment at the end of the pencil just before the eraser.
19. Gound:
You know that gross muck you remove from your eyes in the morning? EEehh.. Yes, it has gross name.
20. Griffonage:
The unreadable handwriting. Mostly doctors uses it
21. Ideolocator:
Sign showing that “you are here” on a map.
22. Interrobang:
When you write a question mark with an exclamation point. Mostly when you question in an excited manner. Say What?!
23. Keeper:
The loop on a belt that keeps the end in place after it has passed through the buckle.
24. Lemniscate:
It is the infinity symbol.
25. Lunule:
The white, crescent-shaped top part of your nails is actually called lunules. The name is derived from the word “lunar,” since they are shaped like crescent moons.
26. Mondegreen:
The misheard song lyrics. aaaaa ra ra ri rooo..???
27. Nose Pads:
They are transparent, oval-shaped attachments on the inner part of eye glasses and sun shades. They rest on the nose and protect it from the frame marks.
28. Nurdle:
Nurdle is used for small dab of toothpaste. Doctors recommend using a chick pea size nurdle two or three times a day.
29. Obelus:
The division sign (÷). Yup, it has name as well 🙂
30. Octothorpe:
The hashtag button on your mobile phone #. Still I like to say it as hashtag
31. Overmorrow:
The day after tomorrow. Well its not the Hollywood movie.
32. Paresthesia:
It is the “pins and needles” feeling sometimes causing numbness. Mostly people use to say that “My feet is asleep” when they are having paresthesia.
33. Peen:
The side opposite the hammer’s striking side.
34. Petrichor:
The smell of soil after the rain is called Petrichor. Most people loved this distinct smell since it is really soothing.
35. Phloem:
While enjoying the banana, the stringy things keep disturbing are called Phloem. Those long stringy things you see when peeling a banana.
36. Phosphenes:
Close your eyes tightly or press them with hand and see the bright lights in it. Well every time you close your eyes you see black colour but when you close them hard, then you see bright colour. These bright colour lights are called ‘Phosphenes”
37. Pull Tab:
It is also known as slider or slider head. It is the part attaché to zip to open or close it.
38. Punt:
The inward bottom part of a wine bottle or any other bottle.
39. Snellen chart:
The chart you look at when you take an eye exam.
40. Souffle cup:
A ketchup/condiment cup.
41. Arils:
Those weird seeds in pomegranates are called “arils.” 🙂
42. Tines:
The 3 or 4 prongs on a fork. It has history as well that why the fork has 3 or 4 prongs. For more information go and Google it.
43. Tittle:
It is the dot over letter “i” or letter “j.”
44. Vocable:
These are the song lyrics that don’t have any meaning e.g na na na, la la la…
45. Zarf:
A metal or cardboard holder for a coffee cup that doesn’t have a handle
Thats it! Hope you enjoyed reading the 45 things you did not know had names. Please do share if you know the names of the interesting things, we might add those to the list of things you did not know had names.