BMW using faster robotic optical scanner in the manufacturing process

Jul 29, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

According to some foreign media reports, BMW has recently announced to be the first company that will be using a robotic optical scanner car maker. This automated 3D scanner will be able to create a digital model of the upcoming BMWs, this will result in saving nearly half of what it costs BMW earlier. This robotic optical scanner is installed in BMW plant in Munich, Germany. This new system combines the optical measurement unit and the robotic arm can move easily and freely, which will able to scan within range of 100 micro meters.

BMW using faster robotic optical scanner in the manufacturing process

Scanning speed will be doubled since there will be two robots working simultaneously in a small garage type space. There are two sensors installed on each robot. Scanning range of each digital scanner for the vehicle surface will be 80 cm x 80 cm square. The combined scans from both the sensors will give the final composite composition.

BMW using faster robotic optical scanner  in the manufacturing process

BMW is using faster robotic optical scanners to ensure its cars measure up


Eduard Obst, director of BMW, geometric analysis, technology and volume measuring said that the single measurement can provide 3D data model of the whole car for them and they no longer need any multiple individual measurements and data to be analysed. It helps them to save time and improving the quality in mass production.

BMW using faster robotic optical scanner in the  manufacturing process

BMW 5 Series Sedan will be the first application of the system of the vehicle.

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