Blog – Blogging – Blogger? Explained! A simple guide for a newbie

Oct 5, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I will explain this simple in few sentences and then explain it further. Basically Blog came from weblog (web-log), it simply means a website where someone share their opinion and experiences. What the author writes and publish is known as articles. For instance author wrote a review or rumor of Samsung Galaxy S7, then this would be a article, same goes with what you are reading, its an article. Blog can be on any single topic or any single niche known as single niche blogs, or it may be on more than one topic, commonly known as multi-niche blogs. Here is what Wikipedia says about blog

Blog Wikipedia

Single Niche Blogs

Single niche blogs or micro blogs are blogs that are based on a single topic or category bit narrowed and covers specific things. For example a technology blog will have all articles based on technology for example WCCFtechwhich is purely based on technology or MBT which purely publishes on Blogging and articles related to it. You can also take example of any fashion Blogs, for example Fashion Ki batain where we publish articles related mostly to Fashion and trends and articles related to this.

Advantages of a Single Niche Blog

There are numerous advantages of a single niche blog. I will just explain the top few of them.

  1. Less Effort: You need to put less efforts in a single niche blog as compared to a multi niche blog because, for a niche blog you will be more focused on on topic and gather and use your resources and focus them on one topic rather then many other topics
  2. Few writers or articles required: If you have a single niche blog and you publish, let say daily one day. So there will be 30 articles in a month. So in six months you will be having some what about 180 articles related to a particular niche.
  3. More Page Views: For a single niche blog there is a high probability that you will have more page views. This is because, if a user visits your particular article or site, that means he is particularly looking for that topic or is interested in. So if he is reading your article and he can see other articles related to same topic on your site, there is a high probability that he will open and read few. And if your Blog provides some quality articles he will read few more moreover, if he likes them he will visit your website more frequently and then you would have earned a permanent reader who might also subscribe to your blog and reads all your new articles.
  4. Tendency to generate more money via direct advertisement : For a single niche blog there is a high tendency that you can get a direct advertisement to advertise on your blog. By this you will not only get good advertisement rates but also you will get 100% of your advertisement earning. If you are aware google adsense and other advertisement programs keep some percentage in your ads earning. So a direct advertisement is a good way to get some extra earning.
  5. Tendency to generate more via affiliate program: For a single niche, as explained earlier, the user/reader that is on your website reading about some thing is more likely to buy it. So if he sees few affiliate advertisement on the same site he is reading about. There is a high probability that he will purchase it via your affiliate link which, of-course will add to your overall site earning.
  6. Tendency to earn more via adsense or any advertisement platform: See google and other advertisement programs so ads related to the page keyword and also based on the reader browsing history. So for a single niche blog for example a blog on weight loss, all most all the ads will be related to some weight loss program. There is a very high probability that the reader will click on any ad and it will increase your site overall earning.
  7. Ease of marketing: It is generally easier to market and publicize a single niece blog.
  8. Goo

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