20 ways for doing best SEO for your website or blog

Sep 19, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Before starting this blog, we all should have a clear idea about SEO. What exactly is SEO? and why it is important for your website or a blog? SEO stands for search engine optimization and the basic definition of SEO is “the way toward amplifying the quantity of visitors to a specific site by guaranteeing that the site seems high on the list of web crawlers .” Search engine is is incredibly important and useful for marketers, bloggers, entrepreneurs and content writer. An important part of SEO is making your site simple for clients and internet users to understand. SEO helps the engines to make sense of what every page is about, and how it might be valuable for clients. It is also very essential because, the lion’s share of search engines clients will probably pick one of the top 5 recommendations in the outcomes page so to exploit this and gain visitors to your website.. Popular examples of search engines that we use in our daily life are Google,Yahoo!, MSN search, Bing and many more. Search Engine optimization may sound difficult and complex and yet it is a long term process but it is easy to implement once you go deeper and learn some useful SEO strategy.seo-optimize

Also read “What is Search Engine Optimization

20 Best Search Engine Optimization Practice for your Website

For all those individuals and organizations, some easy search engine optimization(SEO) tips are discussed below which can help your blog get noticed. So, here are 20 ways for doing best SEO for your website or blog:

1. Make your HOMEPAGE appealing

The humble, yet attractive, home page! I know, you invest hours preparing your home page to look in the same class as you can get it. Be that as it may, have you contemplated the SEO on your home page?
It’s a prime open door for you to tell search engines what your site is about. All things considered, it is the most connected to, and along these lines most effective page on your site – so accept this opportunity to give yourself a boost.

2. It’s all about KEYWORDS!

Keyword is the major key for a successful blog or a website.The structure of your website depends on the keyword that people are attracted to.Appropriate use of keywords is really essential and to find one, a lot of research is needed because we can simply distract the mind of the user by using keywords which are not related to the topic. The Google Ad Words Keyword offer great tools that allow you to find keywords related to your topic.

3. Use your keywords PRECISELY

keyword_researchUsing long-tail keyword is more efficient as visitors usually search for long terms.Long-tail keyword consist of three and four keyword phrases which are very very specific and easy for users to search such as( ‘ 20 ways for doing best SEO for your website or blog’). Now that you have targeted some valuable keywords it’s time to incorporate them into your blogs.

Also Read “Free Keyword rank checker tool

4. WHERE to use these keywords

Try to include those keywords in specific parts of your post such as Title(i.e heading),Headers, Body, URL, Meta description, concluding paragraphs. NOTE: Just don’t stuff ridiculous amount of keyword that it becomes difficult to read.

5. Metadata

Your substance on your site ought to have title tags and meta description.
Metadata are essentially disregarded via web search tools these days, however in the event that you utilize them, make it sure that it talks particularly to that page and that it is also designed effectively. Your metadata ought to be exceptional that speaks for the particular page.

6. TITLE tags

A title tag depicts what your domain is about. This is one short sentence in which you depict your online space. It will show up in a few spots, for example, the SERPs, online networking, external pages, and in programs.
It ought to be short, catchy and sufficiently unique to pull in the consideration of those peoples who are your targeted audience.

7. LINKING to websites

In the event that you connect to different sites, you advance their substance, as well as you let others realize that you exist. Simple as that linking to different websites is one of the best way for doing best SEO for your website or blog. What’s more, on the off chance that you give quality substance, individuals whose work you’ve shared will be more willing to promote your website too.

Also read “Best On-Page SEO Practice a blogger should adopt

8. HELP people for earning links

When you help other people, for instance by sharing your insight, important bits of knowledge, simple to-execute tips and free tools, you generally receive something consequently. Clients normally feel appreciation and the need to give you something in return – they give links. Trust me High Authority Backlinks are an important factor in your ranking


The uplifting news is that domain which end with .org (for association), .edu (for education), .info (for data information), .gov (for government) have higher domain than business sites and are far superior trusted via search engines. Accepting links from them will give your site a considerable measure credibility.

10. ACTIVE on social mediasocial-media

It’s actually true that links from online social media are ‘no-follow’ which implies that they don’t have the immediate effect on your rankings. In any case, having a brand presence in online networking channels can expand traffic to your webpage and construct your notoriety when all is done.
The more noticeable your content is on social media, higher the chance that individuals will share it through blog entries, discussions, social bookmarking sites, and different roads, normally expanding your connection profile.

11. GUEST blogging

Guest blogging is a prevalent and a somewhat safe technique for picking up back links. A blogger offers to write a post on another website from the same specialty. He or she gets a significant inbound link while the web journal host gets a top notch content for free.
However, in the event that you need this strategy to work for you, the main route is to target excellent websites that are likewise relevant to your web page, instead of taking an interest in non specific web journal trade systems.


After executing any SEO strategy, you have to screen your endeavors. With respect to third party referencing you ought to check what comes about you get. You ought to do it not just to know whether your diligent work is paying off, additionally to ensure that you’re not harming your rankings with low quality inbound links.

Also Read “Off-Page SEO Practice a blogger should adopt

13. UPDATE your content

If you want to rank your website higher in search engines, you need to update the content as soon as possible because people want some high quality, useful and fresh information.

14. NO spelling mistake

Spellings and poor grammar mistakes can simply harm your website’s rankings.Excessive misspelled keywords are also harmful for your website or blog.

15. It should be UNIQUE

If you want your website to stand out against million of good writers then make your content unique and valuable and by unique it means good quality, informative and useful. Search engines appreciate those who try to make a difference and rank them higher among all those with same ideas. Keeping the data and content unique is yet another way for doing best SEO for your website.

16. Content STRATEGY

Yes, you ought to have a technique for content that you publish on your site. In addition to the fact that you should know precisely what sort of data you might want to give, additionally how regularly. This applies particularly on the off chance that you run a blog within your site. Begin with making a guide for content creation.Don’t neglect to utilize strong, italics, heading labels, and different accentuation labels to highlight keywords phrases, however don’t try too hard.

17. IMAGE Optimization

image_optimizationAdding image in a blog add some color in your writing and it becomes easy for the user to understand the content. To add image in your content “ALT” tag is used because search engines don’t read images instead ALT text is read. Basically ALT text is an HTML attribute that can be added to image tag.

Also Read “Image Optimization: Adding Alt Text/Alternative Text

18. Make your image VALUABLE

Also, it is good to include bold keywords which surrounds the image so that engine crawlers should focus on that particular text. The text around your images, captions and some rich description of the photo is really valuable for SEO.


It’s been over a year since Google uncovered that more individuals utilize the internet on their cellular telephones than on desktop. Also, for every one of those important inquiry inquiries being done on portable, Google shows the versatile benevolent results first. This is yet another case of Google vigorously supporting versatile neighborly sites, which has been genuine as far back as the calculation redesigns of April 2015 and March 2016. See how the versatile mobile-friendly examples are recorded first when I search the best restaurants all around the world on my mobile phone.


Continuously watch out for your rivals. Discover what keywords they advance their sites for and screen their rankings alongside yours. Do it once a day. Check what sites they show up on and what content they distribute on their web journal.
You ought to know those not to duplicate their SEO technique, but rather despite what might be expected, to locate your own extraordinary method for streamlining your site. Likewise, don’t be hesitant to change the technique when you realize that it neglects to bring you great, feasible results.

Want to learn more on SEO? “See the list of articles we have on SEO

So, these are the top 20 and best ways for optimizing your website or blog. I hope these tips are helpful and for making your blogs more visible, user friendly and top on search engines. Do let us know if you have tried this and share your experience.

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