These 40 Android Phones Come Preinstalled With Trojan

Mar 6, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Very often, it is the carelessness of users that leads to infection of devices with malicious software.Now, specialists have unveiled a list of 40 affordable Android devices that ship with a Trojan at the factory.This can not be removed without costly countermeasures.

Trojan Android Phones

In the market for Android smartphones, there are many models in all price segments. Above all, the market is flooded with a range of cheap devices from various manufacturers. According to a report by the anti-virus specialists Dr.Web, more than 40 smartphones have been identified which are shipped from the factory with malicious software to the customer. As the researchers say, the devices come with a pre-installed Trojan, which can not be removed without extensive measures.

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A list of 40 infected Android devices have been provided and they are mainly models of Chinese manufacturers, but the researchers do not rule out that even more smartphones could be shipped with the Trojan. Specifically, the malware with the name “Android.Triada.231” should be directly interwoven with the firmware of the devices, so a removal is only possible with a complete reset and subsequent installation of a clean Android.

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For its projects, the Trojan then hooked into the system process “Zygote”, which governs under Android, which system resources are available for applications. It does not describe how the pest reaches the necessary root privileges, but subsequently manipulation of running apps becomes possible – for example, banking apps could be spied on.

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Using the example of Leagoo’s model M9 introduced in December 2017, the researchers want to be able to show that the device manufacturers had acquired the manipulated firmware from an external software developer.Whether the device manufacturer installed with the software developers “under the blanket” or the manipulated operating system on devices, the researchers could not determine. Inquiries from Dr. Web to the resellers of the equipment remained unanswered until now.

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In the appendix all of Dr. Web as infected listed devices:

  • Advan i5E
  • Advan S4Z
  • Advan S5E NXT
  • ARK Benefit M8
  • BQ 5510
  • Cherry Mobile Flare J2S
  • Cherry Mobile Flare P1
  • Cherry Mobile Flare S5
  • Cubot Rainbow
  • Doogee Shoot 1
  • Doogee Shoot 2
  • Doogee X5 Max
  • Doogee X5 Max Pro
  • Haier T51
  • Homtom HT16
  • iLife Fivo Lite
  • Kiano Elegance 5.1
  • Leagoo M5
  • Leagoo M5 Edge
  • Leagoo M5 Plus
  • Leagoo M8
  • Leagoo M8 Pro
  • Leagoo M9
  • Leagoo T1 Plus
  • Leagoo Z1C
  • Leagoo Z3C
  • Leagoo Z5C
  • Mito A39
  • myPhone Hammer Energy
  • NOA H6
  • Pelitte T1 PLUS
  • Prestigio Grace M5 LTE
  • Tecno W2
  • Tesla SP6.2
  • UHANS A101
  • Umi London
  • Vertex Impress Genius
  • Vertex Impress InTouch 4G
  • Zopo Speed 7 Plus


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